Friday 12 July 2013


Tourism is one sector of the Nigerian economy that has suffered neglect over the years due to the shortsightedness on the part of the Government and people at the helm of affairs. The sector is one of the many others that have remained underdeveloped after the discovery of Oil in commercial quantity.
The discovery of Oil automatically crippled every other sector of the economy given to the fact that the amount of revenue generated from that sector alone is greater than the total revenue produced by all the other sectors put together, this made the government to abandon all other sectors of the economy to concentrate more on the sector that it has comparative advantage over. Other factors militating against the development of tourism in Nigeria include:
The poor infrastructural facilities, that has made communication and traveling impossible.
There is the security problem that has become a source of worry not only to the citizens but tourist alike, cases of armed robbery attacks, in the major cities and the kidnapping of foreigners by some criminals; who feign militants have become a daily occurrence.

The restriction of tourist from smoking cigarette and consumption of alcohol by the application of Islamic Laws (Sharia) in some Northern States like: Zamfara, Sokoto, Kebbi, Katsina, Kano and so on where hoteliers and their guests are often harassed and attacked by Muslim fundamentalist all in the name of forcefully implementing the Sharia Legal system, which most often lead to fatal crisis between the minority Christian and the Muslim majority. This situation  has also marred efforts to attract visitors 
Nigeria is blessed with so many natural features coupled with natural asset which are of universal recognition. The socio cultural difference of the 250 ethnic groups that makes up the country has contributed to the richness of the diversity of the Nigerian culture. Nigeria can be counted as one richly endowed potential tourist destination in the world not minding the fact that her tourism potential has not been fully utilized for its economic gains. If authority concerned could co-ordinate all the tourist attractions in the country and invest heavily in the sector it would lead to a systematic transformation of the comatose tourism sector.  The money in tourism is enormous if well harnessed, it could sustain the economy of the nation and reduce the total dependency on Oil. It is a known fact that the Crude Oil would dry up someday, a well developed Tourism sector could turn out to be the nation’s second largest foreign exchange earner after Oil.
 Also, festivals could be used to attract tourist to the country thereby boosting the nation’s foreign earning. Festivals like: the Osun Osogbo, Agrungun International Fishing Festival in Kebbi  State, Olokun Festival in Badagary, Lagos State, Igogo Festival in Owo, Ondo State, Eyo Festival in Lagos state, New Yam Festival in the South-South states and many others. One notable thing is that Nigeria is so blessed in all aspect of Tourism : cultural, Ecological, Food, Religion  and Sports Tourism. If all these are well harnessed coupled with a conducive environment for both indigenes and foreign investors, Nigeria could become an economic giant through tourism.  Countries like Ghana with a population of about 30.7 million people make  about 10million Dollars annually through tourism. South Africa with a population of 58.6 million people make about 47billion Pounds ( U.N statistics 2006) . One aspect of the industry in Africa that is yet untouched is the Nigeria varied and pleasing landscape, abundant and diverse wildlife:  Baboons, Leopards, Hyenas, Elephants, Antelopes  and similar other species of animals can easily be found in the nation’s wildlife reserves. Parks are integral Part of tourism and the nation can boast of 8 wild life parks dotted across it geographical enclave: Okunu National Park, Edo State . Chad Basin National Park Borno State,  Kanji National Park, Kwara State, Kamuku National Park, Kaduna State, Yankari National Park, Bunchi State,  Gashaha Gumit National Park, Adamawa State, Cross River National Park, Cross and  Old Oyo National Park, Oyo State.
Museum like parks are also integral to tourism, because it involves promotions and marketing; they are places of interest that is shown to Foreigner to come and spend their money. The potential role of the tourism sector as a major instrument for Social, Economic and Political development can not be overemphasis, and can not be realized unless the numerous tourist attractions are well developed, packaged and promoted with diligent attention to the security and welfare of the visitors.    

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