Friday 12 July 2013


It is an accepted fact  by smokers and non smoker that it is madness that makes one to inhale smoke into his own lung: but smoking is an habit once formed hard to leave.
Millions of people all over the world are addicted to tobacco despite the millions  of dollars spent on advert show casing the dangers inherent in smoking several millions of people worldwide have become ‘heavy’ or ‘chain’ smokers not by choice but because they have found no way of escape, they are caught in the labyrinth of a habit developed in their teens when the  habit was seen as a symbol of arrival or social status. Many teenage smokers are not initially aware of the health hazards of smoking until they have become addicted and could no loner find the will to abstain, by then the effect of tobacco related diseases might have progressed causing far reaching damages to some vital tissue in their bodies.
Many smokers cannot state genially why they smoke. Actually don’t initially wants to smoke, they only  danced  to peer group pressure, doing what everyone was doing at that time. One truth is that like a vocation, smokers too learn how to smoke.
Most teenagers learn how to smoke through parental influence. A teen whose father smokes cigarette is likely to imbibe the smoking culture. Sometimes in some culture tobacco smoking is seen as a way of life; both the women and the men   smoke without restraint. In some cases students who have cultivated the habit of smoking from home sometimes lure   innocent fellow students to the habit especially when they go partying. Not to be left out or looked upon as being “unsocial” most teens end up becoming tobacco addicts. Tobacco smoking is an habit that is imbibe in the teenage years according to some medical experts, tobacco contains a chemical known as nicotine which triggers off cancer in human beings. Its destructive effect on human body is likened to that of cyanides which attacks vital membranes of the lung windpipe, blood stream .Of all the eighteen chemicals in cigarette, the two most deadly are the tar and nicotine, both are carcinogen or cancer. Producing substance. The effect of all these poison makes smokers susceptible to cancer of the mouth cervix, kidney, bladder, pancreas and esophagus. They are also liable to ulcer of the duodenum and stomach .Smoking also pulls calcium out of the   skeleton, thus accelerating  bone thinning process known as osteoporosis. Furthermore smokers are liable to emphysemas : slow killing through suffocation. Inflammation of the throat and smokers cough are also some of the rewards of smoking . medical experts also concludes that nicotine in tobacco constricts small arteries supplying blood to the heart, brain, lungs and other vital organs depriving them of vital oxygen. Medically, it has been proved that nicotine produces a fake sense of well being and relaxation which is referred to smoking main appeal, it allows the cells of the body to entry nicotine destruction which eventually leads to the destruction of vital cells. The carbondixide that is inhaled interferes with the ability of red blood cells to carry oxygen which may cause shortness of breath, lack of endurance and acceleration of a theroserosis(narrowing and hardening of the arteries ) which could later trigger cardiovascular disease and stroke. Finally it has also been medically proved that an average smoker loses 8.3years from their normal life expectancy as it is assumed that every stick of cigarette smoked takes away 13minitues from one’s lifespan . cancer of the lung is on the increase more than cancer of any other part of the human anatomy due to the unrestrained reckless increase in the use of tobacco.
Medical reports also say that one out of ten heavy smokers of cigarettes will die of lung cancer. Pregnant women are also not left as medical report also indicates the like hood of  giving birth to deformed children with tobacco infested diseases.
Today may smokers finds it difficult to get unhooked from addiction. There are instance when in a bid to stop smoking. Some smokers make it their new year resolution only to reneged after 3 or five  days. Some even quit smoking for a period of 12 twelve months only for them to go back the old ways. Smokers will never answer the call of nature in the toilet without a stick of cigarette dangling between their  month. Some prefer to smoke cigarette even whom they are famished. Smokers believe erroneously that smoking could take away the effect of cold or assist or aid food digestion. Some of them believes in  the  three state of matter. Solid, liquid and gas to mean food for solid, water or alcohol for liquid  and tobacco/cigarettes for gas. To  them the intake of food and liquid can not be complete without inhaling cigarette . Smokers sometimes become withdrawn when they are hooked up in a place where smoking is not permitted, they also tend to loose self esteem when they are within a confined place where non smoker are in charge as their breath is always unpleasant and they find it difficult to express themselves so an not pollute  the air through odor from their mouth and nostril
However one can quit smoking if  ones is determined to .It only requires the will power on the part of the smoker. There are instance when smokers would confess in the open only to hide and satisfy his urge. So for every smoker that wants to quit smoking, he  must first believes that he was not born a smoker but only cultivated the habit. Smokers should also realize the pay off to quitting cigarettes smoking, they should realized the sense of victory, increased self-esteem,

pleasant breath, increased endurance, ability to act better, food, increased health and energy, a feeling of well being and freedom from an inconvenient, unpopular costly and self demeaning habit .
Please stop this habit to save yourself and other passive smokers of tobacco related disease and untimely death.

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