Friday 12 April 2013


A middle age man was yesterday killed by men suspected to be mobile Policemen at the Daleko bridge along the Mushin /Isolo Expressway Lagos yesterday at about 7a.m.
The man popularly called  millionaire by his friends and associates was said to be in the company of a friend in his Toyota Highlander Sport Utility Vehicle when he was accosted by two men in  Mobile Police  Uniform.
According to eye witness account, a woman who sells wares close to the bridge,who spoke under the condition of anonmity,she said 'i have never seen such a thing in my life.I was here this morning to tidy up where i sell because of the sanitation hours,the traffic was light ,there was no policemen at the traffic point ,no Agberos and the human traffic was also light.How the victim vehicle got on the bridge i dont know but all i saw was two men in Mobile Police Uniform arguing with the victim.The man did not come down from the vehicle but he was gesticulating with his hand asking the Policemen what the problem was.All of a sudden a PSP Truck blocked the Policemen to enable the victim move his vehicle but the Policemen turned to the otherside and shot the  victim right in the car. I was scared and i shouted when i heard the gunshot but to my surprise somebody was with the victim in the car, in anger i cursed the Policemen who did this evil because i felt the pain of a Mother.''
There was confusion and people rushed out of the market when they heard the gunshot.The Mobile Policemen quickly rushed to where they parked their Lagos Commercial Bus popularly called DANFO and zoomed off before people could get at them.The men were able to escape because the traffic was light at the time and the market had not yet opened so they (policemen) were able to flee
The man bled profusely as people gathered around his vehicle. After some time, the Area Commander, Area D, Omololu Bishi, arrived with some other policemen and took the victim away with a satchet Water Van driver whom vehicle was hit by the victim vehicle.
Another eye witness ,an Agbero , said the policemen were in the habit of using commercial buses to carry out illegal arrests, but did not understand why the motorist was killed. He said, I know those policemen, they usually come here to arrest people at Daleko Junction. On Saturday, they arrested me and some others so when they came again today, I recognised them. Last week, they came in a bus which was driven by a tout popularly known as Sunday or Sylvester. We chased the commercial bus but because the policemen were armed, we stayed at a distance so that we would not get shot. When the policemen encountered a bit of traffic, they jumped off from the bus and escaped on motorcycles.W e were able to get the registration number of one of the bikes use in escaping by the Men. Meanwhile a reliable Police source said the Policemen have been arrested.
The spokesperson for the state police command, Ngozi Braide, confirmed the incident.

Braide said in a statement that investigations were ongoing, adding that it was too soon to say if the assailants were actually policemen or impostors in police uniform.

She said arrests had been made and some suspects had been taken to SARS.

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