Monday 29 April 2013


“…. and they know they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves coverings.

And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking the garden in the cool of the day, and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden” Genesis 3:7-8. This is the biblical story of the fall of man.

The lesson from this biblical illustration is that man and woman discovered they were naked, and were ashamed to discover their own nudity, which they tried to sheathe from the Almighty, their creator. Today, the reverse is the case, our woman walk almost naked; exposing virtually all the sensitive and sensuous part of their bodies.

The way nudity has insidiously crept into our natural life is alarming and appalling to the point that we begin to wonder if morals  have a place in our daily lives anymore. Ladies in the corporate world now dress like whores  of the red light zone. These fashion malady  cuts across ages and social status, even female teachers that are supposed to be role models; are not left out of this fashion craze. Churches are the worst hit by this bug. In many of the Pentecostal churches, and of recent some orthodox churches, a significant percentage of their members are skimpily dressed in clothes that expose their female anatomy, transparent clothing that expose the thighs, breast, belly and the waist. Sometimes you see them put on tight fitted skirts and body hugging clothings that  exposes and exploits their body outline to such an extent one could hardly differentiate that they are in a church service or a nudist party .

In most churches, Ministers and Pastors conduct marriage rites for women that are skimpily dressed. These days, brides put on transparent wedding grown which   hardly cover their breast. Back in the day, churches  had dress codes for intending couples; and a  departure  from that path translated to an outright cancellation of the wedding by the church. However, the advent of western cultural   influences and the statistical rise in the number of prosperity preaching Pastors and churches has changed all of that. The Nigerian culture of decent dress has been thrown to the dogs. Different shades and styles of wedding gown are allowed into the churches; all in the name of looking attractive, jettisoning the biblical teaching about how a woman should dress to earn respect.

Asides the abuse of the wedding gown, most ladies attend church services dressed in trouser pants that expose their buttocks and in some cases their  pubic others in skimpy tops and miniskirts that are only long enough to cover the subject ,while their exposed matter.Asides the abuses of the wedding gown, most ladies attend church services dressed in trouser pants that expose their buttocks and in some case their pubic hair.   and Others present in skimpy tops some come in and miniskirts that are only long enough to cover the subject matter, while their exposed thighs are left as   distraction for male worshipers.

Ministers of God are no longer concerned about the dress ethics of their church members, an issue they consider trivial,instead, they are preoccupied with prosperity preaching and how to enrich their church finances through financial obligation placed on their naive member
Though am not a minister in the vineyard but i will like to refer our pastors and christian brotherts alike to the book of John 17:11-12 RSV:   "And now I am no more in the world, but they are in the world, and I am coming to Thee. Holy Father, keep them in Thy Name, which Thou hast given Me, that they may be one, even as We are one. While I was with them, I kept them in Thy Name, which Thou hast given Me; I have guarded them, and none of them is lost but the son of perdition, that the Scripture might be fulfilled." .  This text refers to Judas Iscariot as the “son of perdition” who sold his soul for money….30 pieces of silver.  Are Christians being led astray by the same enticement that led to the betrayal of Christ and to the demise of Judas? 

This trend has also affected the traditional African home hitherto known for its high esteem for moral and cultural values. Parents no longer bother about the  fashion sense of their children, since most parents especially mothers are not immune to  the craze. Charity they say; begins at home. Most kids imbibed this absurd fashion trend from the parents.

In the Universities and Polytechnics campuses, Ladies are scantily dressed in a way  suggestive is suggestive of picnickers at the beach. They are  arrayed in  fashion trends like: hot pants, micro miniskirt, skin tight trouser pants that showcase the luscious flesh of their behinds, outer necks that exposes their backs and barely cover their breasts. Breast exposure is regarded as a  fashion trend that has apparently come to stay. It is, as a matter of fact, spreading like a wild fire.  This mode of dress is not an exclusive penchant of the rich and educated; but is also rampant amongst the uneducated, especially the petty traders and artisans in Nigerian society.

This dress mode is not an exclusive preserve of the rich and educated; but also rampant amongst the uneducated especially the Petty Traders and Artisans in the Nigerian society.Little wonder cases of rape, sexual harassment, violent attacks and disrespect for women are on the increase.

People that dress decently are subjected to ridicule by these “daughters of Jezebel”; they are either called uncivilized characters or old school teachers. Indecent dress is used to measure social status ‘happening babes’ now is the fad. For one to belong, you one will have to  be licentious  in your dress ..  

In this alarming climate, a bill concerning indecent  exposure has been forwarded to the Senate by some concerned citizens some years ago for consideration. Though some Legislatures are strongly against it; citing the principles of fundamental human rights. ; Nigerians anxiously await the outcome. Aside, must the ladies bare it all to look beautiful?

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