Monday 29 April 2013


Two members of the Oodua People’s Congress are being detained at the Special Anti-Robbery Squad at the Lagos State Police Command in Ikeja, Lagos State.
Their detention follows allegations of illegal gun possession, attempted murder and incessant cult clashes in the Shomolu community of the state.
The OPC members, identified simply as Ayuba and South Africa, were arrested and detained on April 20, 2013 following orders by the state Commissioner of Police, Umar Manko, that a joint police operation, led by the Area H Commander, should fish out the hoodlums responsible for the wanton destruction of property in Shomolu recently.
It was gathered that following the CP’s order, the police approached the OPC members to assist them fish out the bad boys.
An OPC source, who requested anonymity, said the police lured them to black spots in the community but arrested their members over false allegations.
He said: “After the vandalisation of cars by cultists on streets in Shomolu recently, the police came to our leaders to help them fish out the hoodlums.
“We went with them to West End, a notorious den for hoodlums and criminals in Shomolu, but when the hoodlums saw us, they took to their heels.
“The police arrested about 40 hoodlums through our assistance during the raid.”
The OPC member added that one of them, identified as Eledie, had a gun, which went off during the chase.
He added: “Eledie was with a gun.
“He fell and the gun went off and hit two of our members, Ayuba and South Africa.
“The gun also hit a hemp seller, who also fakes his identity as a UNILAG (University of Lagos)student.
“There after, UNILAG students started protesting and also the community members.
“That was how the police at Alade Police Station called the OPC members to come and write a statement.
“Eledie did not show up but Ayuba and South Africa, who sustained gunshot wounds, went to give their statements.
“The police however told them to lie that it was the hoodlums that shot them.
“The case was transferred to SARS but to our surprise, the SARS operatives detained South Africa and Ayuba despite their wounds.
“Now the police from Alade are saying that they did not approach OPC for assistance to flush out the hoodlums.
“These men are victims, not suspects but our members are scared to come out to fight for them because they too are afraid that the police will arrest them.”
The Eagle Online gathered that the OPC members in Shomolu have gone into hiding over fear that the police is after them

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