Thursday 29 August 2013


This woman was was almost lynched after tghe beating of her life he got from some angry residents in somolu area today at about 5,30p.m .Axccording to some residents ,the woman who claimed to be mad and dresses like a mad woman is always seeing parabukating the nooks and crannies of somolu but relocates to God knows where latwer in the night.THey suspect she has been behind the series of child kidnap for ritual purpose.It was a resident who saw her that exposed her as been normal but only pretends to be mad to commit her attrocities,the man claimed she was caught stealing a young girl in one of the areas in Mushin sometimes ago and almost killed
Last week the Police at Alade also arrested hert and found a black berry phone with her but allowed her to go but disd not released the phone to her.
When she was accosted by some residents this evening the who who had always pretended to be mad begged the people not to snap her pictture nor film her as she promisedthem not to ever come into somolu again.She was rational in hwer thinkings and thoughts.She was beaten from the market street junction og Balogun down to the ikorodu expressway ,they found with her money of different denominations ,hidden in her private parts.when they got to the Onipan Police Station the police seems not to be concerned and only looked the other way round.traffick was held to a stand still at the ikorodu expressway while the woman was asked to cross to the mushin end and told never to come to somolu again

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