Sunday 24 March 2013

The lifeless body of Otenaike
Otenaike before he was killed

The container where Double was shot

Sunday, 24 March 2013


 Remember the former kalakuta Republic area where fela was based.after he was sent parking by the unknown Soldier the place still remains a lawless area till date.The place  worst than when the late Musician held sway.The area now tagged EMPIRE AREA consist of so many streets with different joints and brothels,they do all manner of vices and Indian Hemps and Drugs are easily peddled and  freely smoked .The area is also notorious as a conclave and Haven of  people of shady characters.It is also the home to majority of the members of the EYE CONFRATERNITY popularly known EYE or BIRDS
There is also a bar popularly called the arena,it is located at 39 Ikorodu Road ,Jibowu,Lagos.To the undiscerning eyes it is just a a club house or a bar but to those who frequents the place it also serves as the Nigerian Headquarters of the Buccaneer also known as the BLACK AXE CONFRATERNITY 
 ADEOLU OTENAIKE, a 400level student of North American University ,Udegbe, Cotonu in the Republic of Benin came to Nigeria on the 18th of March, 2013 in company of  five of his school mates in Cotonou to savor the beauty of Lagos and to also show off his new Honda baby boy he just  purchased  at Cotonou which he intends to also register here in Nigeria.This was never to be as death came calling via the nozzle of the gun of  a gang of known  cultist operating within the Empire axis ,Surulere, in Lagos State.On  wednesday, the 20th of march,2013, Adeolu and his friends left the 8,Ojelade Street ,Mushin ,home of the Otenaikes  to 39 jibowu street where the CLUB ARENA is situate  for some drinks .they met with some other guys whom are Adeolu friends.At  about 10 minutes to 12midnight, Adeolu decided to see those friends off to the empire area but unfortunately for him ,he was accosted by Taiye aka Sogbe a known cultist  whom two years ago he had some axe to grind with. According to Ladi Bada  a  friend of the deceased who was present at the scene but was able to escape,Taiye aka Sogbe grabbed Adeolu while Bayano ,kaka ,Small Bobo Igimu and some others beat  , robbed them of their money and phones.One Alowonle,the chairman of the Marwa R iders Association at the empire area told Taiye and his members not to kill Adeolu at the spot but that they should take him outside towards the dormanlong under the bridge not too far from the Empire Area under the Jibowu Bridge .He was moved  some few meters away from empire where he was shot both in the head and neck.Chinedu another of the victim was seriously wounded but managed to was something after 12midnight that Adeolu was killed
Immediately he was kill;ed somebody called the Divisional Police Officer Alakara<Mushin,,he and   his men arrived at the scene where the lifeles body of Adeolu was found in a pool of blood with some expended .
The day Adeolu was killed 5other people were killed in similar fashion at different spots in Mushion area of LagosThe streets are Martins, Olosa, Fadeyi,Adeyemi  and all deaths reported at the Alakara Police Station. Adeolu is 26years ol;d, the mother works and reside at Benin city Edo state while the father is into uphostery and also does rental services at Ojelade Street.Mushin His father is  popularly called BROS is  one of the peace makers amongst the youths in the area. infact some few days before his son was mauled down ,he has just settled a misunderstanding amongst some feuding youths. He is just recuperating from a minor stroke.
saturday the23rd of march at about 1,am some rampaging cultist shot sporadically along the railway line unfortunately a youngman of the igbo extraction popularly known as Double was shot inside the container he was sleeping at the railway line facing Daniel street.they were two sleeping ,they opened the window when there was no light but when light was restored they had already forgot to shut the window,the Cultist  thinking people where looking at them through the opened window   went near the container and saw the two in slumber and just shot at Double.Presently the victim is recuperating at the Intensive Care Unit of the Lagos University Teaching Hospital  Idiraba ,Lagos
Meanwhile fear has gripped the residence of the area as the menace of cultist is becoming too rampant,cultist of the Eye and Aye confraternity has become a terror on the community.Some of the residents are accussing some known boys of masterminding the killings

Adeolu  was buried at about 11am friday at the  Matori Cementary

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