Friday 22 March 2013

Noise pollution: Policemen ejected from Barrack

Sgt. Kennedy moving some of the corporal's property.

Two policemen were, on Wednesday, ejected from their apartments at the Pedro Police barracks in Lagos State for allegedly playing loud music.
 Five policemen from the Police Provost Department allegedly broke into the rooms of the two policemen identified simply as Corporals Ebi and Peters to effect the ejection.
Policemen at the barracks said they were surprised when the team arrived at about 12noon and started removing property from the apartments.
“Trouble started for the policemen when a team of senior police officers, led by Akao, a Deputy Inspector General of Police, from the Force Headquarters, Abuja, was at the Barracks on March 5 on a tour of the barracks," an officer explained.
The DIG heard loud music coming from one of the corporals’ room and immediately ordered that he be ejected from the room with his wife and two children.
Moving to another building, he heard loud sports commentary coming from a room and the same order was given even though it was the corporal's younger brother who was listening to sport news.
At first, the policemen thought it was a joke but later saw the seriousness of the order when a letter, signed by CSP London Aloba, on March 14, 2013, with the title: “Quit Notice,” ordered the men to quit their apartments before March 20, 2013.
The letter said failure to comply could lead to forceful ejection and disciplinary action as the apartment has been assigned to other policemen.
Fair complexioned Corporal Joy was the only female among the five policemen who effected the ejection.
The policemen added that the occupants of the rooms were not at home when their apartments were broken into.
The policemen and their families had gone out but when information got to the wife of one of the affected policemen, she ran home and saw all her property outside and their door broken.
She started taking pictures of the vandalised property but the officers from the Provost Office later came back and asked her to move the property back into the room, that they have been given two more weeks to vacate but she sat down crying.
She was helpless and sad over the incident that fellow policemen could treat her husband so crudely. Policemen of the rank and file cadre expressed disappointment with the police high command for treating them with disdain.
One of them said: “This barrack needs a lot of repairs and all the DIG saw was the music.
“We need a better barracks and to be treated with dignity.”

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