Thursday 19 September 2013

Cultist on motion Re arrested for Murder

The Lagos State Police Command has arrested another suspected  notorious cult member who has been linked to   numerous murders in Mushin area of the state.
According to Police authorities, the suspect, Sodiq Shittu, who is believed to be a member of Black Axe Confraternity popularly called AYE, was arrested on Friday on Lawani Street.It was  learnt that the suspect, who had been on the police wanted list for some time, had been arrestedand arraigned in  court and had been remanded at the Ikoyi Prison sometime last year. However, the suspect was said to have been released from prison custody under controversial circumstances without the knowledge of the police.The suspect reappeared on police radar after he was suspected  of killing someone at Empire area of Jibowu, which is believed to be a stronghold of Eiye members.It was  said that after the alleged murder, policemen attached to the Alakara Police Division, spotted the suspect and arrested him. “Around 9pm on September 13, 2013, a team of policemen attached to Alakara Division, arrested Sodiq Shittu. The suspect is a key member of Black Axe Confraternity and is alleged to have led a team of cult members including one Ashanti, Tunde and Taju aka Orji, to a shootout and killed a rival cultist belonging to Eye Confraternity at Empire area of Surulere.
“After the attack, the suspect was said to have fled to Ikeja to avoid arrest but the police remained on his trail. He was finally arrested on Lawani Street. The suspect has been linked with numerous murders in Mushin area of the state as well as Surulere.”A source at zone D area Command said the police were carrying out investigations to ascertain how he was released from prison.
“Last year he was charged to court for murder but last month he mysteriously regained his freedom. Investigations will reveal this in due course,” she said.
Meanwhile, Police sources said that the ease at which remanded murder suspects were being released without due process was becoming worrisome.
A police source said the problem was both troubling for witnesses and policemen.
“The rate at which these criminals are being released from prison is becoming alarming and if it is not curbed, witnesses will not be coming forward anymore. Imagine writing a statement against a killer and the killer is released! What do you think would be the fate of witnesses?
“The judiciary needs to checkmate this if not, the war on cultism will not be won.”
From a reliable source ,there is a kingpin of the hoodlums who lives at Ereko street facilitating the release of the cultist."The kingpin himself was arrested sometime last month and guns and ammunition found in his house but to the chargrin and surprise of even Policemen he was released based on other from above" said the source who does not want his name in prints.
People also believes in the involvement of a high ranking Police Officer and some Lagos State Politicians who have been protecting the cultist.

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