Friday 10 May 2013


SUSPECTED CHILD TRAFFICKING SUSPECTS: 1. ADENUGA SOYIBO ‘M’ 2. ELIZABETH SOYIBO ‘F’ On the 15th day of April, 2013, the American Consulate reported that the above stated persons who have earlier applied for American Visa and their application was differed on the suspicion that the Twins they claimed to be their babies appeared to have been stolen. Based on this, the Consulate ordered a DNA test to ascertain the biological relationship of the babies with the two suspects. The Consulate invited them when it received the result of the DNA which revealed that the babies do not belong to the couple as both lack the genetic marks that must be contributed to the child by the biological parents. During investigation, Detectives travelled to Port-Harcourt where the woman claimed to have given birth to the Twins in a private small house. On getting to Port-Harcourt, the woman claimed she could no longer identify or locate the place, she also stated that she has no antenatal record anywhere as she did not attend any. She stated further that the total sum of N1.8million was paid to the woman who administered “Agbo” local herbs on her that eventually produced the babies. Adenuga Soyibo, the claimed father of the twins on his own part stated that he was also given “Agbo” local herbs that boosted his sperm count that produced the babies. Both suspects claimed they can no longer trace the woman whom they paid the sum of N1.8million for the “Agbo” local herbs and the delivery of the baby. They also could not produce anyone who knew about the conception and the subsequent delivery of the babies. The suspects would soon appear in Court. DSP NGOZI ISINTUME-AGU Police Public Relations Officer For: Commissioner of Police Special Fraud Unit Ikoyi – Lagos

Italian Embassy Exposed Fake Travel Agents in Lagos State

Officers of the Special Fraud Unit Ikoyi Lagos have arrested three men Michael Adeoye,Ody Chidebe and Moradeyo Olalekan for alleged conspiracy, forgery and obtaining under false pretence following a petition received from Deputy Consular-General/Head of Visa Operations, Italian Embassy. Following the petition, the Commissioner of Police, Special Fraud Unit, ordered a team of police men to apprehend some travel agents who specialized in procuring fake health insurance certificate, visa and other vital travel documents for prospective travelers. The petitioner further alleged that with the fake health insurance certificate, Nigerians will apply for visa at the Italian Embassy and this has been a source of worry as it affects the operations of the Embassy. DSP NGOZI ISINTUME-AGU, the Police Public Relations Officer of the SFU said In the course of investigation, it was discovered that Michael Adeoye, a 38yr old from Otun-Ekiti in Ekiti State who works at Nuyork Network Services at Mini Shop 2, TBS Lagos as a travel agent is the mastermind of the whole crime. He usually commit the crime using Elvia Health Insurance Company based in Denmark and Asa Health Insurance Company based in Germany. “He(Adeoye) confessed that he found the Health Insurance Companies on line and has been defrauding the companies by booking health insurance certificates for travelers without paying any money to the companies. The cost for procuring the certificate is 17Euro but they charge 47Euro which according to them is equivalent to N10,000.00 and this fraud has been going on since 2012. The second suspect, Ody Chidebe, a 31yr old from Nri, Anambra State and a graduate of Federal Polytechnic, Okoh who claimed to be an Insurance Agent corroborated the confession of the first suspect that the business has been on since 2012. According to her, as an Insurance Agent, she can obtain an insurance certificate from any source whether genuine or fake and the Elvia Insurance Certificate was given to her by Michael Adeoye and they have been succeeding in using it to procure visa for travelers until their act was discovered” The statement by the police added that the third suspect Moradeyo Olalekan, a 45yr old from Owu in Abeokuta, Ogun State, a travel agent and the owner of Nuyork Network Services where Michael Adeoye is presently working. His office serves as an avenue for perpetrating the act. He confirmed that Elvia Health Insurance is one of the listed travel insurance on the list of required and accepted health insurance on the website of list travel documents by the Embassy and can be booked on line. He shifted the whole blame to Michael Adeoye whom he said, is in a better position to explain the health insurance in question. Other documents recovered in his office are international passports which according to him belonged to different people for booking of appointments or payment of visa fees in banks. Investigation is on-going. Suspects will be charged to court soonest.


When John Olubumi became suddenly ill and was rushed to the Island General Hospital on Broad Street
in Lagos State , he thought the scorching pains he felt underneath the right side of his abdomen was the only problem he was going to deal with at the hospital.
Little did he know that he would have to confront other health issues in the Hospital built decades ago.
As soon as Mr. Olubumi was wheeled into the gate to the Emergency Unit, though he was still in sharp pains, he could not help being a very curious person to notice the hospital environment would become another huge challenge during his admission.
Narrating his ordeal to National Mirror after spending close to two weeks in the Hospital, Mr. Olubumi stated that his stay in   the hospital was a bitter experience he will live to remember.
Revealing further, he described his stay at the hospital as “The filthiest experience I have ever had in my life. As soon as I was wheeled into the hospital due to a sharp pain underneath my abdomen, I could not help to notice the filthy environment. The Emergency Unit where I was rushed to was an eyesore. Patients, so many of us waiting with few beddings to go round. Some patients were lying on the floor, while others were being helped to stand for hours by their relatives. Patients were there in that situation for close to three hours before they attended to us   and took our complaints- I was shocked there were so many patients to attend to” Mr. Olubumi said.
 The Emergency Unit was not only the area in the hospital that shocked Mr. Olubumi. His admission in the Male Surgical Ward following the discovery that he had Appendicitis, a disease of the stomach   compound the nauseate he said he  felt . He stated that as soon as he was wheeled into his corner of the large Ward, the only thing on his mind was to tell his family to take him out of the Ward. He said “I was in pain and when I was finally admitted, I noticed that the Ward I was kept with about twenty other patients was not befitting a place to keep sick people. The doctors need to carry out a surgery to remove the Appendicitis  from my stomach  but the beddings they have in the Ward are  old; there were mosquitoes everywhere and the walls were very dirty. I wanted to go home due to this terrible environment but the pains I felt dictated otherwise as the doctor had said I was lucky the Appendicitis had not ruptured at the time they brought me in. All through the night I could not sleep as the fans were not working. The mosquito’s bites and the filthy Ward compounded my sickness”.
 Mr. Olubumi was not the only patient affected due to the deteriorated state of the hospital.  Some of the patients interviewed during an undercover investigation of the hospital also described the poor state and unhygienic environment they were kept as the worst place for sick people.
A patient Nathaniel John Adigun, an Engineer from Ketu area of the State told National Mirror he could not sleep due to the mosquitoes bites which kept patients awake at night.
“ There is no doubt that  the nurses and doctors treated us well. Though there were nurses who will scream and shout at you and your visitors but the environment in and outside the Wards need upgrading. I could not sleep due to the mosquitoes bites.  The toilets are not befitting for even animals as the bathrooms walls and floors are blacken due to long years of use. The toilet bowl is old and filthy. In short, I did not look forward to having my bath all the time I was in the hospital.” he said.
Investigation carried out by the National Mirror shows the Male Surgical Ward like other Wards in the hospital are in dire need of urgent repairs. The beddings are old and bricks were used to hold beddings together. Also, from about twenty fans in the Ward, only eight was functioning- patient had to resort to using hand fans.
 A visit to the bathrooms showed the most unhygienic place patients go to have their bath and defecate as the floors are black and filthy  due to years of urine - the walls are also dirty with cobwebs  all over the ceiling . Though the patients get well and are discharged from the hospital, they however preferred a more decent clinic .
Investigations however also revealed that the hospital had constant electricity. Also the operating theatre was well equipped with modern hi-tech facilities for surgeries.
 Appealing to the government to take urgent steps  to address the sickening state of the hospital, Mr. Olubumi said poor people have the right to good medical care and facilities and as such the government should put all the necessary facilities in place to address the health needs of the people.
He said “I just wanted to go home every day of my stay in the hospital. I don’t want even my enemies to come here and experience this filthy environment. Sick people should not be in such a firth. I could not eat for days after I was discharged – I was very happy when the doctor said I could go home because I wanted to leave that place. I noticed the Surgical  Theater has modern equipments for surgeries of all sorts  and the doctors know their job – even the personnel are victims of the poor state of the hospital so the government should not neglect the place because it is a General Hospital . I know how General hospitals used to be in the eighties. They had the best staff, facilities and the most hygienic conditions you can think of but the reverse is the case today but government should not allow this to continue”.Mr. Olubumi said.
When contacted, the Lagos State Commissioner of Health, Dr. Jide Idris stated that the hospital is already in the State government’s refurbishment programme.
He said “The hospital is a priority in the refurbishment programme of the government. Initially, the plan was  to knock down the whole place and build a modern structure. We however though this will disrupt a lot of services in that axis if we are to do that. So we are doing the refurbishment in phases like we did at the Lagos State University Teaching Hospital. (LASUTH) Ikeja and this will take a while. Apart from the refurbishment programme, we also plan to add facilities that are no longer there anymore but are needed to be there.
We have a design for this and we are discussing it. Also like in LASUTH, the issue of water and power are being addressed. We are aware a lot of things need to be done because during the construction at the Marina a long time ago, the drainage was blocked and we are  addressing that too. The contractor is on ground working on the sewage and the Ministry of Works is also working on this. The power situation is taken care of as the hospital gets its electricity from the IPP due to the huge volume of electricity required. In all, there is a total refurbishment package and they are is phase plan for all these and we look to start from next year”. Dr. Idris said.
Dr. Idris added that the Ministry is also working on improving staff welfare. He blamed the poor services at the hospital to the teeming population visiting the health facility.
Dr. Idris however assured   the government has taken cognizance of the huge health needs of patients and is   putting structures on ground to address the situation. 
He said “You know the population using that place is huge and the facilities are old. The Outpatient service is inadequate but like I said, we are addressing things in phases like we did in LASUTH. The doctors quarters need refurbishing too and we are working with the Ministry of Works to address it. We have done the mortuary, and the Theatre is also receiving attention. In a short while the hospital will be upgraded like LASUTH” Dr. Idris said.

Thursday 2 May 2013


A 25-year-old man was on Monday arrested at Somolu, Lagos State after he was allegedly caught having sex with his two-year-old cousin.
The suspect, David Nnebong, lived with the victim’s grandmother at 18 Awoseyin Street, Somolu.
It was learnt that the incident occurred at about 3pm when the toddler was left in the house with the suspect by her grandmother, known as IyaBlessing or Iya Calabar
 The mother of the girl was said to be in Calabar.
Wura it was learnt  told her grandmother on her return, the little girl who was crying while greeting her grandmother pointed to her vagina.
A neighbour, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said it was the girl’s cries that made her grandmother suspicious.
He said, “It was the child who actually made Iya Blessing know that David had raped her. The grandmother raised the alarm and all the neighbours pounced on David.
“Although she was upset with David, Iya Blessing and other relatives, who were present, did not want to get him arrested.
“They only wanted him to leave the house and relocate elsewhere, but neighbours insisted on involving the police.
At the time David was taken to Alade Police Division, there was still semen on the child.”
As of Tuesday evening, the relatives of the victim were yet to report to the police station to write statements although Nneobong was said to still be in police custody.
Sasaeniyan blogspot
David being accosted by Policemen
learnt that the relatives were still insisting that they did not want police to be involved in the issue.


A 21 year old girl simply identified as Nofisat was yesterday raped and slaughtered by unknown people in her home at the Magbon area of Ogijo yesterday at about 2p.m yesterday 1st of May 2013.
An ND science graduate of LASPOTECH Ikorodu .She did her Graduation on Saturday at Ikorodu and was alone in their flat when the killers/rapist came calling.Her mother a school Teacher was not at home and her siblings had gone to school.It was when the Mother came back from school that she saw her in a pool of blood without her panties.
Two tenants ,all males are presently helping the police in their investigation as they were said to be at home in their own flat when the incident happened.
The 21yeatrs old has been buried at Alaba muslim cementry Ogijo yesterday at about 3p.m when the Police released her body